Unbelievable Video showing how much sugar we consume from everyday common beverages.
We all know the problems associated with sugar, this video really brings home the message as to how much there really is contained in these drinks...
Find more videos like this on Leadership Branding With Mark Hoverson
There are alternatives.
Personal Health is everyones responsibility.
Make a decision today to move from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Diet and Attitude: Permanent Weight loss Begins With A Positive Attitude
Diet and Attitude: What are you talking about? Isn't weight loss just a matter of fewer calories in than expended in a day? That formula will result in weight loss, Right?
Well the weight will come off using that formula but will it stay off? That answer is a definitive NO.
Permanent weight loss really begins with an attitude change. As the Army DI likes to say its a "check up from the neck up."
In a recent article from the Denver Post the author interviewed Joe Piscatella a 32 year cardiac bypass survivor. article reference Joe said the following:
"You can't change your behavior and then get positive. You get positive in your mind first, and then changes in your behavior follow."

It seems that the older we get the more a tape goes of in our head that says "NO, YOU CAN'T..."
According to research that out of a typical 50,000 fleeting thoughts a day, 90 percent are repeated and negative. Do these pitfalls sound familiar?
If you have every tried to diet you know very well how your negative self-talk really can defeat you. It is just so darn hard to stop listening. So what do you do? You have to make a decision and GET POSITIVE.
Here are three steps geared towards GETTING POSITIVE:
Well the weight will come off using that formula but will it stay off? That answer is a definitive NO.
Permanent weight loss really begins with an attitude change. As the Army DI likes to say its a "check up from the neck up."
In a recent article from the Denver Post the author interviewed Joe Piscatella a 32 year cardiac bypass survivor. article reference Joe said the following:
"You can't change your behavior and then get positive. You get positive in your mind first, and then changes in your behavior follow."
It seems that the older we get the more a tape goes of in our head that says "NO, YOU CAN'T..."
According to research that out of a typical 50,000 fleeting thoughts a day, 90 percent are repeated and negative. Do these pitfalls sound familiar?
If you have every tried to diet you know very well how your negative self-talk really can defeat you. It is just so darn hard to stop listening. So what do you do? You have to make a decision and GET POSITIVE.
Here are three steps geared towards GETTING POSITIVE:
- Surround yourself with people that will support you in your weight loss efforts. Let your family know that you are going to loose weight and that they can serve as your coach. As "family member coaches" they should create an environment where you can succeed. They will be there to be encourage and support you not to tell you how. That answer resides in YOU.
- Get a real life coach to assist you in re-shaping your thinking. Make it a stated goal. A true coach will listen to what it is YOU want and then support you in that effort.
- A real life coach will help you see where life has gotten out of Balance. The coach will take you through a process where you will identify ways to replace the negative self-talk with positive life affirming talk.
Your life should be about the way you really really want it to be. Unbalanced living most often leads to stress and unhappiness.
The amount of stress and unhappiness in your life can be managed by you.
There is no doubt that you can change, you have done it before and you can do it again.
So here is your call to action:
- Consider Coaching as a way to make a real workable plan.
- With your coach set a goal/s that you know you can attain. Once that is accomplished set another goal and make it a little tougher. Do this enough times and you will shore up your level of confidence.
- Work the Plan
- Celebrate your success.
A free 20 minute coaching session is available to all readers of this blog. Sign up. You will be contacted for a 20 minutes session. Then you can make an INFORMED decision as to whether coaching is for You.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday, October 23, 2009
If You Are Like Me You Are Old Enough To Know That You WANT Great Health
I want great health and I don't want to take dozens of medications to keep me healthy. I want out of the Sick Industry! Take a few minutes to watch this video. And decide if YOU want out of the Sick Industry!
Do you want out of the Sick Industry?
This video makes some interesting points especially for Boomers. As we age we require more and more medications to maintain our health. Is that really the Best Solution? Doesn't it make more sense to take control and do something to positively influence your body so that the Doctor takes you off medications?
After watching this video your gut is probably screaming and saying: "there is still time isn't there, there is still time to make a change?" And in your heart you realize that this is something you really want to do; you want to change. You may wonder about what to change and you might not know where to start making a change.
First of all, I agree with you change is hard. But, remember this: You have done it before (made big changes) and were successful and YOU can do it again. Attitude is everything.
Starting and maintaining a new behavior has a lot to do with motivation. So how do you keep motivated?
Here is a method that will reveal your personal motivating equation.
In her book "Get Motivated" Tamara Lowe shares her research on just what it takes to motivate yourself as well as others. Here are three questions she asks everyone she encounters: :
For example, the choices indicated in the table above show that this person is motivated by a cooperative environment (i.e., team player) they want the situation to be variable (i.e. changing) and for a reward they prefer a bonus.
Let's apply this unique equation to motivate yourself to work out:
Do you want out of the Sick Industry?
Note: I believe that the Pharmaceutical Industry has positively impacted all of our lives through addressing health issues. However, many of us have taken medications for most if not all health issues.
After watching this video your gut is probably screaming and saying: "there is still time isn't there, there is still time to make a change?" And in your heart you realize that this is something you really want to do; you want to change. You may wonder about what to change and you might not know where to start making a change.
First of all, I agree with you change is hard. But, remember this: You have done it before (made big changes) and were successful and YOU can do it again. Attitude is everything.
So here are some suggested steps that when taken seriously will POSITIVELY effect your health.
- If you are not currently in an active and regular exercise routine GET INTO ONE. Be sure to get the Doctors approval, however.
- SURPRISE! In the majority of cases our health is not what we want it to be because we have become overweight.
- Consider looking at your eating habits -- it is very likely that they will require some adjustment. Consider a conversation with a nutritionist.
- Nutritional supplements should become a part of your lifestyle. If they already are -- ask this question: What changes have I seen or experienced as a result of taking this product? The answer may surprise you. Not all supplements are effective.
Starting and maintaining a new behavior has a lot to do with motivation. So how do you keep motivated?
Here is a method that will reveal your personal motivating equation.
In her book "Get Motivated" Tamara Lowe shares her research on just what it takes to motivate yourself as well as others. Here are three questions she asks everyone she encounters: :
- Do you need to be competitive or cooperative?
- Do you prefer constancy or variety?
- Which would make you feel more valued: Appreciation without financial bonus or a bonus without appreciation.
Motivation | Yes | No |
Competitive | ||
Cooperative | X | |
Constancy | ||
Variety | X | |
Appreciation without a bonus | ||
Bonus and no appreciation | X |
For example, the choices indicated in the table above show that this person is motivated by a cooperative environment (i.e., team player) they want the situation to be variable (i.e. changing) and for a reward they prefer a bonus.
Let's apply this unique equation to motivate yourself to work out:
- Work with another person, get a regular partner or get a trainer.
- A workout with variety, Mon, Wed, Fri - do weights and on Tue, Thur, Sat do some type of cardio exercise (i.e., elliptical trainer, riding bikes, etc.)
- The Bonus here would not be financial, but - weight loss, feeling better, better lab results, and the removal of some medications with the Docs approval all would be a huge bonus.
Here is what this article addressed:
- The pharmaceutical industry has made significant contributions to the overall health picture in America. However, many people have become dependent on that industry to manage their health.
- We are responsible for our own health, we have to CONTRIBUTE to being healthy by losing weight, eating correctly, getting exercise and finding additional nutrition that really supports our health.
- We discussed one method to identify what motivates you. Get motivated!
- You can DO this!
For a Free Report of results from a Double Blind Study measuring the effectiveness of Nutritional Supplements fill in form below:
Email Marketing You Can Trust
To your Boomer Health
Email Marketing You Can Trust
To your Boomer Health
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Great Trade: Cash for Clunkers
The great trade is over and has come to a screeching halt.
But you still can take advantage of trading away a clunker for results, more about that in a minute.
Do you recall that several months ago our government ran a program where if you traded your old gas guzzler for a new shiny fuel efficient car the government would provide $4500 towards the purchase of a new fuel efficient car? Well it seems the program was a success. In fact, the program was extended and again the monies were all used.
Here is the point, there are at least two benefits for removing inefficient gas guzzlers from our highways:
So here is how you can take advantage trading Clunkers for Cash.
Eighty percent of Americans supplement their diets with some form of vitamin. If you are like me you have not observed any differences as a result of taking the vitamins. We supplement because:
What I need is a vitamin supplement that works and I experience observable benefits. Now that's what I call a Cash Health Supplement.
The good news, there is a supplement that actually works and comes with a money back guarantee.
Here is a quick story:
I'm a normal 50+ year old guy with high blood pressure and began taking this product several years ago. After 6 or so weeks I took my blood pressure and was shocked at the results. Normally my BP runs high 130's/high 80's The new reading was 100/70. It has now been 3 years and by BP readings remain consistent in the low 100's/low 70's. That is a cash health supplement for sure.
And here is the best news: there are literally 1000's more stories just like this one.
You too can reap the health benefits from consuming this product. You can trade your cash for clunker vitamins into a cash supplement for health.
It will be worth a lot more to you than taking your usual vitamins. Best of all, if you do not see results in 30 days I'll refund you 100% of your money.
May I suggest that you take the following Action Point:
Call me Jim Parks 303-883-8878 to find out more about this Cash Supplement for Health program.
But you still can take advantage of trading away a clunker for results, more about that in a minute.
Do you recall that several months ago our government ran a program where if you traded your old gas guzzler for a new shiny fuel efficient car the government would provide $4500 towards the purchase of a new fuel efficient car? Well it seems the program was a success. In fact, the program was extended and again the monies were all used.
Here is the point, there are at least two benefits for removing inefficient gas guzzlers from our highways:
- less fuel consumption resulting in savings for the consumer
- less smog in our atmosphere and a cleaner more enjoyable environment.
So here is how you can take advantage trading Clunkers for Cash.
Eighty percent of Americans supplement their diets with some form of vitamin. If you are like me you have not observed any differences as a result of taking the vitamins. We supplement because:
- mom said to do it
- advertisers are constantly selling the idea and
- in some cases our doctors encourage us to take vitamins.
What I need is a vitamin supplement that works and I experience observable benefits. Now that's what I call a Cash Health Supplement.
The good news, there is a supplement that actually works and comes with a money back guarantee.
Here is a quick story:
I'm a normal 50+ year old guy with high blood pressure and began taking this product several years ago. After 6 or so weeks I took my blood pressure and was shocked at the results. Normally my BP runs high 130's/high 80's The new reading was 100/70. It has now been 3 years and by BP readings remain consistent in the low 100's/low 70's. That is a cash health supplement for sure.
And here is the best news: there are literally 1000's more stories just like this one.
You too can reap the health benefits from consuming this product. You can trade your cash for clunker vitamins into a cash supplement for health.
It will be worth a lot more to you than taking your usual vitamins. Best of all, if you do not see results in 30 days I'll refund you 100% of your money.
May I suggest that you take the following Action Point:
Call me Jim Parks 303-883-8878 to find out more about this Cash Supplement for Health program.
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