Friday, October 23, 2009

If You Are Like Me You Are Old Enough To Know That You WANT Great Health

I want great health and I don't want to take dozens of medications to keep me healthy.  I want out of the Sick Industry!  Take a few minutes to watch this video.  And decide if YOU want out of the Sick Industry!

Do you want out of the Sick Industry?

Note: I believe that the Pharmaceutical Industry has positively impacted all of our lives through addressing health issues. However, many of us have taken medications for most if not all health issues.

This video makes some interesting points especially for Boomers. As we age we require more and more medications to maintain our health.  Is that really the Best Solution?  Doesn't it make more sense to take control and do something to positively influence your body so that the Doctor takes you off medications?

After watching this video your gut is probably screaming and saying:  "there is still time isn't there, there is still time to make a change?" And in your heart you realize that this is something you really want to do; you want to change.  You may wonder about what to change and you might not know where to start making a change.

First of all, I agree with you change is hard.  But, remember this:  You have done it before (made big changes) and were successful and YOU can do it again.  Attitude is everything.

So here are some suggested steps that when taken seriously will POSITIVELY effect your health.
  1. If you are not currently in an active and regular exercise routine GET INTO ONE.  Be sure to get the Doctors approval, however.
  2. SURPRISE! In the majority of cases our health is not what we want it to be because we have become overweight. 
  3. Consider looking at your eating habits  --  it is very likely that they will require some adjustment.  Consider a conversation with a nutritionist.
  4. Nutritional supplements should become a part of your lifestyle.  If they already are -- ask this question: What changes have I seen or experienced as a result of taking this product?  The answer may surprise you.  Not all supplements are effective.
Applying these steps is where the rubber meets the road.  And I can personally testify that doing it will make a difference: I have lost 11% of my total body weight in the past 12 weeks.

Starting and maintaining a new behavior has a lot to do with motivation.  So how do you keep motivated?

Here is a method that will reveal your personal motivating equation.

In her book "Get Motivated" Tamara Lowe shares her research on just what it takes to motivate yourself as well as others.  Here are three questions she asks everyone she encounters: :
  1. Do you need to be competitive or cooperative?
  2. Do you prefer constancy or variety?
  3. Which would make you feel more valued: Appreciation without financial bonus or a bonus without appreciation.
For your unique motivation equation answer the three questions above recording your "yes" answers in the chart below.  Remember, that your answer is what you are most like.  Once you have determined your combination, begin implementing those types of behaviors.



Appreciation without a bonus

Bonus and no appreciation

For example, the choices indicated in the table above show that this person is motivated by a cooperative environment (i.e., team player) they want the situation to be variable (i.e. changing) and for a reward they prefer a bonus.

Let's apply this unique equation to motivate yourself to work out:
  1. Work with another person, get a regular partner or get a trainer.
  2. A workout with variety, Mon, Wed, Fri - do weights and on Tue, Thur, Sat do some type of cardio exercise (i.e., elliptical trainer, riding bikes, etc.)
  3. The Bonus here would not be financial, but - weight loss, feeling better, better lab results, and the removal of  some medications with the Docs approval all would be a huge bonus.
Here is what this article addressed:
  1. The pharmaceutical industry has made significant contributions to the overall health picture in America.  However, many people have become dependent on that industry to manage their health. 
  2. We are responsible for our own health,  we have to CONTRIBUTE to being healthy by losing weight, eating correctly, getting exercise and finding additional nutrition that really supports our health.
  3. We discussed one method to identify what motivates you.  Get motivated!
  4. You can DO this!
For a Free Report of results from a Double Blind Study measuring the effectiveness of Nutritional Supplements fill in form below:

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Email Marketing You Can Trust

To your Boomer Health

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Great Trade: Cash for Clunkers

The great trade is over and has come to a screeching halt.

But you still can take advantage of trading away a clunker for results, more about that in a minute.

Do you recall that several months ago our government ran a program where if you traded your old gas guzzler for a new shiny fuel efficient car the government would provide $4500 towards the purchase of a new fuel efficient car? Well it seems the program was a success. In fact, the program was extended and again the monies were all used.

Here is the point, there are at least two benefits for removing inefficient gas guzzlers from our highways:
  1. less fuel consumption resulting in savings for the consumer
  2. less smog in our atmosphere and a cleaner more enjoyable environment.
A good thing for everyone. The benefits are far reaching and will likely make a huge difference for our children and grandchildren.

So here is how you can take advantage trading Clunkers for Cash.

Eighty percent of Americans supplement their diets with some form of vitamin. If you are like me you have not observed any differences as a result of taking the vitamins. We supplement because:
  • mom said to do it
  • advertisers are constantly selling the idea and 
  • in some cases our doctors encourage us to take vitamins.
I call this Cash for Clunker Supplements. That becomes a money pit where I am wasting money and not receiving any benefit.

What I need is a vitamin supplement that works and I experience observable benefits. Now that's what I call a Cash Health Supplement.

The good news, there is a supplement that actually works and comes with a money back guarantee.

Here is a quick story:

I'm a normal 50+ year old guy with high blood pressure and began taking this product several years ago. After 6 or so weeks I took my blood pressure and was shocked at the results. Normally my BP runs high 130's/high 80's The new reading was 100/70. It has now been 3 years and by BP readings remain consistent in the low 100's/low 70's. That is a cash health supplement for sure.

And here is the best news: there are literally 1000's more stories just like this one.

You too can reap the health benefits from consuming this product. You can trade your cash for clunker vitamins into a cash supplement for health.

It will be worth a lot more to you than taking your usual vitamins. Best of all, if you do not see results in 30 days I'll refund you 100% of your money.

May I suggest that you take the following  Action Point:

Call me Jim Parks 303-883-8878 to find out more about this Cash Supplement for Health program.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Boomer Memory

Yes, I am a boomer and well I am beginning to experience that memory thing, ah what is it again?

According to  University of Illinois psychology Professor Art Kramer, "the brain is always changing and by midlife, there is less turnover of new neurons ... the production of chemical messengers in the brain called neurotransmitters also slows down." 

Well that is a relief, we are just slowing down and I say thank God this is a natural occurrence and not something we Boomers need to worry about.  But we can do something about it.  Now that is the ticket.

The Professors said the that there are actions we can take to improve our memories and of course they have to do with lifestyle changes.  The old ways have caught up to us and "...we have to eliminate our high-fat diets,consumption of  too much alcohol, lack of exercise and a high-stress lifestyle.  All of which  can all affect your cognitive fitness down the road."

So to get a sharper memory:  Here are some tips from experts that can do for your memory what crunches can do for your abs:
  1. Eat a healthful diet to feed your brain as well as the rest of your body.
  2. Get plenty of aerobic exercise, as long as your doctor approves.
  3. Your brain needs a challenge, so try to learn something new every day. Read. Do crossword puzzles. Learn a new hobby. Take a different route home. Try using your other hand to hold your toothbrush.
  4. Don't isolate yourself. Maintain social contacts and regular conversation with others.
  5. As much as you can, reduce your stress load.
  6. Create an image in your mind of something you want to remember. Or try associating something you want to remember with something you already know.
  7. Use a sound, such as a kitchen timer, to help you remember something,
  8. Arrange things in your home to jog your memory. Keys, for example, can go in the refrigerator on top of your lunch bag.
  9. Try verbal cues to make yourself less anxious about the things you might forget, like turning off the stove. Try saying out loud a few times: I turned off the stove. I won't need to go back and check it again.
  10. Make a list of what you need to do, and take notes of things you need to remember.
  11. Repeat names in conversations.
  12. Do things when you remember them, instead of putting them off.
  13. Avoid multitasking.
  14. Identify places for important items and always keep them in the same place.
  15. If you find yourself becoming increasingly forgetful, see your doctor. Sometimes memory loss is the result of physical problems that need medical attention.

Sources: Cammy Seguin, University of Illinois Extension; Kathy Marren, Provena Center for Healthy Aging.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nutritional Support for our Immune Systems

This article is about how nutrition can support ones immune system. Most Americans do not eat a healthy diet, which results in increasing cases of serious health issues. In fact, in 2006 the CDC stated the leading causes of death in the United States were:
  • #1 Heart Disease,
  • #2 Cancer, and
  • #6 Diabetes.
What is so astounding is that many of the health issues in America today are treatable and preventable by simply eating a balanced diet and using nutritional supplements.
After reading this article you will have a better understanding of the following points:
  1. Sources of nutritional support;
  2. How through nutrition you can prevent health issues;
  3. How proper nutritional support helped one women deal with Post Polio Syndrome.
Supporting our immune system is crucial for optimal defense against invading bacteria, germs, viruses, etc. Some parts of the Immune System include our thick skin, mucus in our eyes, nose and throats, and acid in stomach. All these defense systems capture many of these invaders and destroy them before they can make us sick.
In addition to these defenders our body has thousands of specialized cells to capture and eliminate threats.
The Immune System is a complicated system of defense that requires energy to be effective. Optimal energy comes from proper nutrition and rest. When either get out of balance our body is at risk for developing some sort of infection. Even worse long term imbalances can lead to serious physical damage to our body like diabetes.
As stated earlier the leading causes of death in the US are #1 Heart Disease, #2 Cancer, and #6 Diabetes all have a strong link to diet and poor nutrition. When the immune system is compromised people get sick.
For Americans it is possible to eat balanced and nutritional meals, but we like our fast foods, white sugar, white flour, and bakery goods too much. See Our foods have all the nutrition we need but...
I have a very good friend who early in life was diagnosed with Polio. Through tenacity she overcame many of the effects of the disease and had a very active and interesting life. However, about 10 years ago she began having problems with muscle pain, headaches and balance. Here is her story of how a nutritional supplement made a difference:
When Kathy introduced nutritional support for her Post Polio Syndrome, she slowly re-emerged as a healthy and vigorous person and 10 years later has an extremely active lifestyle (worl travel, speaks at woman's conferences, and plays an active role in a larger national community of like minded people.)
Proper nutrition plays a significant role in creating a healthy immune system. Many infections and serious diseases are not manifested when the Immune System is healthy.
While we can get plenty of nutrition from eating a properly balanced diet, we just don’t. One way of getting proper nutritional support is through supplements.
For more information about nutritional support for health call me Jim Parks @ 303-883-8878 for a free 20 minute consult.
Also, if you would like to hear more about Kathy or speak to her re: her story call me 303-883-8878.
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Monday, August 17, 2009

A Great Lesson for Network Marketers

Just how do Network Marketers differentiate themselves?
Several weeks ago the husband of one of my Network marketing friends was laid off. Of course it was unexpected but the economy is hurting a lot of people everywhere and being a professional is no protection.
As she told me her story, I thought: No big deal - Sandra has been in this business for 9 years, has an established down line, and as a part-timer earns a respectable $35k per year.
Then, the "Rest of the Story" began to unfold.
Yes her down line was there, and yes she had lots of customers, but...
Over the past 2 or 3 years Sandra admitted to not doing the necessary follow-up with her down-line or her customers. So it turns out that the $35k was more like $25k and dropping.
Man, this is a problem for every Network marketer I know. After awhile, we begin to get too comfortable and ignore the very things that made us successful. You should never stop doing the things that made you a success.
Most of know that the customer is not really buying a/the product. The customer is buying an experience.
  • I purchased these health products for improved health - An Experience
  • I bought the flat screen TV so I could see Football in HD - An Experience
  • I purchased these products from Sandra because she makes sure I take them properly and always asks about how I'm doing -- Another Experience.
So, by not servicing you customer you are denying them An Experience which ultimately ends up in lost revenue.
Sandras' story fortunately is turning around, she is re-connecting with her down line and customers and guess what? Her business is growing.
Remember Service is the Key. Know your customer and give them what they want -- An Experience.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why Attraction Marketing

Attraction Marketing and the Internet

Attraction Marketing is not new. Hilton Johnson of MLMU (Multi-level Marketing University) has several copyrighted phrases dealing with the process of sales techniques. For example, Selling by Attraction (SBA). The basic premise here is to make an attractive sales presentation to a customer that is un-offensive and leads the customer to a decision that can be made with all the information needed and without feeling/experiencing pressure from the presenter.

With respect to the Internet: Attraction Marketing is a skill set whereby people are attracted to you for a reason. Normally, that reason is the "content" or written material you have posted on the Internet. In many instances this content focuses on specific subject matter and appeals to individuals having a similar interest.

By way of an example I recently read an article on line re: Social Commerce: click here to see the specific article. The article discusses why Gen Y'ers are using the internet to make their retail purchases.

According to authors Hill and Knowlton, Gen Y individuals are more likely to spend their money online when purchasing retail products.

Knowing this fact , I would then develop a series of articles relevant to the interest of the Generation Y crowd. Like where to get great deals on electronic devices, free music downloads, locations in majors cities where folks with my interest congregate, etc etc.

When these various articles are read by the Gen Y crowd they begin to see me as one who knows something about them, has an interest in what they are about and over time I become a "Content expert" and the my Gen Y readers trust me.

This is Attraction Marketing in action.

At this point I have a group of people following me and reading my writings and because they trust me I can do a number of things:

  • promote a product I am selling.
  • form a interest group re: the environment.
  • encourage them to vote in elections and to suggest they consider voting a particular way.
  • etc.
Attraction Marketing is very useful for Internet sales. The Internet allows you to find information about the product you want, it eliminates the interaction one has to have with sales clerks. Internet purchases are often less expensive than buying from a retail store, etc.

Boomers Gen X and Yers are all using the Internet more and more. If you are an independent business person selling a products you should make use of the Internet. Your reach is UNBELIEVABLE.

For information on Hilton Johnson's Selling by Attraction Click on the following link:

For a free 20 minute coaching and training session in Attraction Marketing call:

Jim Parks 303-883-8878

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