Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Great Trade: Cash for Clunkers

The great trade is over and has come to a screeching halt.

But you still can take advantage of trading away a clunker for results, more about that in a minute.

Do you recall that several months ago our government ran a program where if you traded your old gas guzzler for a new shiny fuel efficient car the government would provide $4500 towards the purchase of a new fuel efficient car? Well it seems the program was a success. In fact, the program was extended and again the monies were all used.

Here is the point, there are at least two benefits for removing inefficient gas guzzlers from our highways:
  1. less fuel consumption resulting in savings for the consumer
  2. less smog in our atmosphere and a cleaner more enjoyable environment.
A good thing for everyone. The benefits are far reaching and will likely make a huge difference for our children and grandchildren.

So here is how you can take advantage trading Clunkers for Cash.

Eighty percent of Americans supplement their diets with some form of vitamin. If you are like me you have not observed any differences as a result of taking the vitamins. We supplement because:
  • mom said to do it
  • advertisers are constantly selling the idea and 
  • in some cases our doctors encourage us to take vitamins.
I call this Cash for Clunker Supplements. That becomes a money pit where I am wasting money and not receiving any benefit.

What I need is a vitamin supplement that works and I experience observable benefits. Now that's what I call a Cash Health Supplement.

The good news, there is a supplement that actually works and comes with a money back guarantee.

Here is a quick story:

I'm a normal 50+ year old guy with high blood pressure and began taking this product several years ago. After 6 or so weeks I took my blood pressure and was shocked at the results. Normally my BP runs high 130's/high 80's The new reading was 100/70. It has now been 3 years and by BP readings remain consistent in the low 100's/low 70's. That is a cash health supplement for sure.

And here is the best news: there are literally 1000's more stories just like this one.

You too can reap the health benefits from consuming this product. You can trade your cash for clunker vitamins into a cash supplement for health.

It will be worth a lot more to you than taking your usual vitamins. Best of all, if you do not see results in 30 days I'll refund you 100% of your money.

May I suggest that you take the following  Action Point:

Call me Jim Parks 303-883-8878 to find out more about this Cash Supplement for Health program.


  1. What a fun way to blog!

  2. you look like you have lost weight. ?

  3. Yes I've lost 35 lbs in 7 weeks. Low Carb diet and using a product called GlucAffect.
