Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why Attraction Marketing

Attraction Marketing and the Internet

Attraction Marketing is not new. Hilton Johnson of MLMU (Multi-level Marketing University) has several copyrighted phrases dealing with the process of sales techniques. For example, Selling by Attraction (SBA). The basic premise here is to make an attractive sales presentation to a customer that is un-offensive and leads the customer to a decision that can be made with all the information needed and without feeling/experiencing pressure from the presenter.

With respect to the Internet: Attraction Marketing is a skill set whereby people are attracted to you for a reason. Normally, that reason is the "content" or written material you have posted on the Internet. In many instances this content focuses on specific subject matter and appeals to individuals having a similar interest.

By way of an example I recently read an article on line re: Social Commerce: click here to see the specific article. The article discusses why Gen Y'ers are using the internet to make their retail purchases.

According to authors Hill and Knowlton, Gen Y individuals are more likely to spend their money online when purchasing retail products.

Knowing this fact , I would then develop a series of articles relevant to the interest of the Generation Y crowd. Like where to get great deals on electronic devices, free music downloads, locations in majors cities where folks with my interest congregate, etc etc.

When these various articles are read by the Gen Y crowd they begin to see me as one who knows something about them, has an interest in what they are about and over time I become a "Content expert" and the my Gen Y readers trust me.

This is Attraction Marketing in action.

At this point I have a group of people following me and reading my writings and because they trust me I can do a number of things:

  • promote a product I am selling.
  • form a interest group re: the environment.
  • encourage them to vote in elections and to suggest they consider voting a particular way.
  • etc.
Attraction Marketing is very useful for Internet sales. The Internet allows you to find information about the product you want, it eliminates the interaction one has to have with sales clerks. Internet purchases are often less expensive than buying from a retail store, etc.

Boomers Gen X and Yers are all using the Internet more and more. If you are an independent business person selling a products you should make use of the Internet. Your reach is UNBELIEVABLE.

For information on Hilton Johnson's Selling by Attraction Click on the following link:

For a free 20 minute coaching and training session in Attraction Marketing call:

Jim Parks 303-883-8878

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1 comment:

  1. Very relevant article Jim. The beauty of attraction marketing is that you are truly focused on developing relationships and respecting that people are smart enough to make the decisions that are right for themselves. You become an information sharer when it becomes appropriate to sell a product or offer on opportunity, rather than a "salesperson"..which often feels uncomfortable to both parties.

    Deborah Tutnauer, LCSW
